
επιλογή γλώσσας

➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ Sprache WÄHLEN ↓↓ ВЫБЕРИТЕ свой язык ↓↓ ОБЕРІТЬ свою мову ↓↓CHOISISSEZ votre langue ↓↓ ➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ ELIGE tu idioma ↓↓ 选择你的语言 ↓↓ 選擇你的語言 ↓↓ Scegli la tua LINGUA ↓↓ ➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ اختر لغتك ↓↓ Dilinizi seçiniz ↓↓ अपनी भाषा चुनें ↓↓ زبان خود را انتخاب کنید ↓↓ ➤ CHOOSE your Language ↓↓ ZGJIDHni gjuhën tuaj ↓↓ ИЗБЕРЕТЕ вашия език ↓↓ 言語を選んでください ↓↓ בחר את השפה שלך ↓↓..


Σάββατο 9 Μαρτίου 2019

Horapollo the Alexandrian and the Greek Glossic Code of the Pan-Human Speech

του Κ. Ι. Μπουζάνη – by Bouzanis K.  
Knower-Teacher of  Code of Linguistic Production and Enrichment of  Panhuman Speech 

   The Horapollo from Nile, grammarian in Alexandria (5th century AD), wrote "THE HIEROGLYPHICS*" in egyptian language which was translated into the Greek by someone Philip.
   According to Horapollo, when the ancient Egyptians wanted to hieroglyphically inscribe the meanings of words: laughter, rule, anger, etc. then they painted a dog!
   The Horapollo with his "Hieroglyphics", while appears as an expert, not failed to convince us, but his deliberately misinformed us! Horapollo, if was a connoisseur, respecting the silence of the ancient Mystics**, had to draw us away from the Egyptian-Hieroglyphic Inscription and Reading System. He followed the Lord of Delphi, the Plutarch who, two millennia now, is struggling to conceal rather than reveal the truth about the "E of Delphi".
   If was a connoisseur, Horapollo, he had no intention of revealing anything to us! But he did something else!  He, intelligently, has covered there those points which, with a delay of fifteen centuries, confirm the main element of the Greek "Code of Language Production and Enrichment of the Pan-Human Speech"!

   If we accept that this Egyptian writing was a closed-secret affair of the Egyptian Clergy, we stop here! We do not need anyone... European to enlighten us! But the written word was flooded the life and eye of the ancient Egyptians. To common Egyptians was addressed this written discourse. We are missing something, then.

  You take a step back and wait for the Greeks! Those who handle the Reference Language of the Pan-human Logos, the Greek, the ancient language of Wisdom, Philosophy, High Poetry and Science, will lead us!

   Let us therefore go one step ahead of looking again and again to the above-mentioned example of the Alexandrian grammarian. Kyon, Yelio, Canon and Holos,from an artistic point of view, seem to us without any relation. They leave no room for no thought, no judgment, no comparison, no correlation! The Inscription-Reading Code looks solid, secret and... lost!
   Come, now, the Greeks, to listen to the things of the example. Not the concepts, not the images but the main sounds of the words-concepts in their Greek listening.
ΚύωΝ ο ιΧΝεύων
ΓέΛιο ο ΓέΛως
ΚαΝών ο ΧάΡαξ η ΡίΓα ή ΡίΓα
ΧόΛος η οΡΓή
Did you understand anything?
Two parallel, main sounds in each word, one of K, Y, Ch and one of the L, R, N!

Did you understand now?
We have already approached the main element of the "Code of Linguistic Production and Enrichment of the Universal Word"!!
HieRoGRaPhy HieRoGLyPhy = iHNoGRaPhy
   HieRoGLyPhiCs = the iHNoGRaPhiCs
** The same in a similar case for "E" of Delphi, did the Ploutarch, High Priest of the Sanctuary of Delphi. (45 AD - 120 AD)!!

 Original Publication in Greek

   Reports and Analyzes on Dictionary Entries of Code of Language Production and Enrichment of the Pan-Human Speech
 The Common, Global System of Inscription-Reading of Ancient World 
– Some affairs of Humanity is purely Greek affairs,
 – said the Prophytis! 
 [Profytevo = I am preparing  the soil to make the planting or, figuratively, to write the... history!
Prophytis = Who cultivates the soil for the planting,  Underminer.]


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