Knower-Teacher of Eikonogrammati and Palaeogrammiki Scripture
the... Egyptian Hieroglyphics at a place in faraway Australia, the land of the Aboriginal
tribes. aBoRiGiNes ~ ΦάΡα ή ΦυΛή ΓηΓεΝών.
Aboriginal Elders, is published in Australia*, continue to
use the area as a ‘bush schoolroom’, where they teach the younger generations about
Aboriginal history, traditional stories, how to interpret the engravings and
rock paintings and about traditional practices such as collecting and using
bush foods and natural medicines that abound the area.
Govt Gazette 8/2013 – 22 Feb 2013, p. 464
READ this!
Do you speak Greek? The Gate shouts with the cancer inscription: “ουΔείΣ αΛλόΦωΝος ειΣίΤω”!
The reading in language which they were written, has been published in our previous publication!
>HERE< or
Above all, it is indispensable and necessary to attend a series COURSES of READING from our READING BOOK:
" The CoMMon oF WRiTiNG-ReaDiNG SySTeM oF aNCieNT SPeeCH "
A step in the approach of Code of Inscription-Reading
of the godlike Drivers-Teachers of the Human Genous.
Some affairs of Humanity is purely Greek affairs,
– said the Prophytis! –
[Profytevo = I am preparing the soil to make the planting or, figuratively, to write the... history!
Prophytis = Who cultivates the soil for the planting, Underminer.]
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