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Σάββατο 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Sanskrit, the Ancient Indian and the Hellenic Language!


SaNSKRiT = ΣαΝΣΚΡιΤιΚή ~ Ση αΡΣΧαία ιΝΔιΚή ~ η αΡΣΧαία ιΝΔιΚή (aNCient iNDian (language)

India = ιΝΔία ~ η έΝΔον Γή (the inner earth). Indian = ιΝΔός = ο εξ ιΝΔίας (man from India). Indians = ιΝΔιάΝοι ~ τα ΓέΝη των ιΘαΓεΝών της Αμερικής = the native American tribes.

Pakistan = ΠαΚιΣΤάΝ ~ ΠηΓών ΚΡάΤοΣ του Ινδού ποταμού = the State of the sources of the Indus River. Nepal =ΝεΠάΛ ~ cΝεΠάΛ ~ ΧώΡα των ιΜαΛαΐων = the country of the Himalayas.

GReek ~ HeLLene ~ ‘έΛΛην ~ ‘αΛός Λαός, από Δευκαλίωνος = Sea’s people, by... Deucalion.

In connection with the Greeks who gave these names: Asia = αΣία ~ ηούΣ Γη = Land of the East, Phoenicia = ΦοιΝίΚη ~ η έΦαΛος Γη της Συρίας = the coastal land of Syria such as: Africa = αΦΡιΚή ~ η έΦαΛος Γη της Νοτίου Ηπείρου = The coastal land of the Southern Continent, Syria = ΣυΡία ~ Γη εΡήΜων = Land of deserts, Lebanon = ΛίΒαΝοΣ ~ ΣυΡία η έΦαΛος = Coastal SyriaAssyria = αΣΣυΡία ~ η έΣω ΣυΡία = Inner Syria, Armenia = αΡΜεΝία ~ η άΝω ΣυΡία = Upper Syria, Israel = ιΣΡαήΛ ~ ΣυΡία (εφ)αΛος = Coastal Syria, Persia = ΠεΡΣία ~ η άΠω ΣυΡία ή ΠεΡΣία ~ η ΠόΡω αΣία = The distant Syria, Afghanistan = αΦΓαΝιΣΤάΝ ~ ΠάΓωΝ ή ΠηΓώΝ ΚΡάΤος (του Ινδού ποταμού) = The State of ice or of the Springs of the Indian river.

Ultimately, what is this needed for one to distinguish the "Mother" from her "daughter"?

  Εν αρχήι ήν ο Λόγος, ο Ελληνικός Λόγος!

   The Code of Production & Linguistic Enrichment -from Ancient- of Panhuman Speech is... diffused in lingual idioms of Nations and Peoples of the Universe.

 The Common of Writing-Reading System of Ancient Speech is... scream!
- The Ancient World is full of inscriptions with the Pictographic & Ancient Linear System! -

    And here, at this fragment and at this container, thousands of miles away, geographically and historically, is beating heart Protogeneias of Hellenism.
(Caution! Do not misunderstand the meaning of the Hellenism)

The reading can be done with Elements-Letters from:
 “The Common Eikonogrammaton and PalaeogrammikonAlphabet of Ancient World”

Download it – Study it – Spread it

" The CoMMon oF WRiTiNG-ReaDiNG SySTeM oF aNCieNT SPeeCH ",
which is based on the "Common Eikonogrammato and Palaiogrammiko Alphabet of the Ancient World"unifies the panhuman written language and solves mysteries about the Hieroglyphics, the Chinese, the Linear writings, the Phaistos Disk, the Aliens’ writings etc from:

The engraved, carved or written decoration on utensils, tools, containers, jewelry, coins, votives, buildings, tombs, etc., anywhere, not constitute, exclusively, inspired artistic representations or symbols, such as at first sight seems on unsuspecting or illiterates... every era, but, very often, texts-inscriptions.
   These vessels from classical era or from prehistoric times, not bearing... symbols potters nor are decorated with artistic elements, as taught by "experts" but… are speaking!
 In the beginning was the word! The reasonable person have voice, therefore, not writes... illustrators!
 We, here, will teach Eikonogrammati and Palaeogrammiki Scripture.

– Knower of the poetics of ancient letters
is he talking!
Some affairs of Humanity is purely Greek affairs,
 – said the Prophytis! 
 [Profytevo = I am preparing  the soil to make the planting or, figuratively, to write the... history!
Prophytis = Who cultivates the soil for the planting,  Underminer.]

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