And here, in these osteal tags of standardized products, beats the heart of the unique and unprecedented Hellenism
(Caution! Do not misunderstand the meaning of the Hellenism)
For reading was used Elements-Letters from:
“The Common Eikonogrammaton and PalaeogrammikonAlphabet of Ancient World”
" The CoMMon oF WRiTiNG-ReaDiNG SySTeM oF aNCieNT SPeeCH ",
which is based on the "Common Eikonogrammato and Palaiogrammiko Alphabet of the Ancient World", unifies the panhuman written language and solves mysteries about the Hieroglyphics, the Chinese, the Linear writings, the Phaistos Disk, the Aliens’ writings etc from:
The engraved, carved or written decoration on utensils, tools, containers, jewelry, coins, votives, buildings, tombs, etc., anywhere, not constitute, exclusively, inspired artistic representations or symbols, such as at first sight seems on unsuspecting or illiterates... every era, but, very often, texts-inscriptions.
About these Osteal Tags from ancient Egypt, of prehistoric-years old constructs, the... specialists teach, that bring... unintelligible ideograms!
Observe at the first plate the introducing of... the Cuneiform Writing style!
In the beginning was the word! The reasonable person have voice, therefore, not writes... illustrators!
Observe at the first plate the introducing of... the Cuneiform Writing style!
In the beginning was the word! The reasonable person have voice, therefore, not writes... illustrators!
We, here, will teach Eikonogrammati and Palaeogrammiki Scripture.
–– Knower of the poetics of ancient letters
is he talking!
Some affairs of Humanity is purely Greek affairs,
– said the Prophytis! –
[Profytevo = I am preparing the soil to make the planting or, figuratively, to write the... history!
Prophytis = Who cultivates the soil for the planting, Underminer.]
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